North – Savannah
The northern terrain consists mostly of savannah with some lightly wooded areas , rolling hills and some dense forest. Hunting in northern Cameroon is most famous for sought after species such as the Lord Derby Eland and Giant. Topi. Cameroon is also known for its' large variety of plains game antelope including Western Roan, Western Hartebeest , Buffon’s Kob, Defassa Waterbuck, Bohor Reedbuck, Harnessed Busbuck , Oribi and various varieties of Duikers. Hunting requires fair amounts of walking, glassing and stalking. Good physical fitness is recommended. West African Savannah Buffalo are found in large numbers, herds of several hundred animals are not an uncommon sight. Elephants are also abundant.
South - Forest
The south and southeast of Cameroon along with neighboring regions in the Congo and the Central African Republic also provide for an excellent hunting experience. These regions are all covered with dense tropical rain forest.
The forest is home to many species, the magnificent yet stealthy Bongo, Forest Elephant, Dwarf Forest Buffalo, Western Situtunga, Red River Hog and many Duikers (Yellow Backed , Blue , White Bellied etc).
Hunting is usually conducted with local pygmies. Rain forest hunting is hard work and all is done on foot which requires significant physical exertion and should not be undertaken lightly. The hunting camps are generally tented camps, however hunting in the forest also sometimes requires making use of a "fly camp” in order to obtain your trophy.
The Boumba (Zone 38)
This large concession has two well equipped camps (North and South), it also has large numbers of high quality Bongo and excellent Forest Elephant trophies. The Boumba forest concession accounts for 40 % of the total amount of licenses granted by the Cameroon Government to hunt Dwarf Buffalo and Forest/ Western Sitatungas. With "The Boumba" Forest having been completely isolated and so remote, there is an abundant diversity of animals including many species of Duiker, Bates Pygmy Antelope, Bush Pig, as well as the secretive and highly prized Giant Forest Hog.
Boumba South
This is one of the best areas for hunting Bongo and Forest Elephants. It also has many different species of duiker. In this remote area there are very few roads for vehicles so much walking is required.
Boumba North
Excellent for Sitatunga, Forest Elephant and one of the best area for Dwarf Buffalo. There are limited roads for vehicles and therefore a fair amount of walking is required.
Lognia (Zone 31)
Located just inside the Congo border and protected by the Lobeke National Park. This is a classical Bongo hunting area. There are old forest roads, that allow vehicles to be used for some hunting. Area is good for Bongo and Forest Elephant, but is not recommended for Duikers.